~ Still Body ~ Calm Mind ~ Free Spirit

Being a Well Being is what most of us aim for in this life.  With so many distractions and stresses it is no wonder some of us end up feeling overwhelmed, rundown or stuck in the daily grind.

Have you been trying to work out how to get your exciting new ideas off the ground, but can’t quite figure out how? 

Do you need help discovering what truly ignites your passion and fire? Maybe you have, only to have that self-doubt or some old pattern that says you cannot do it?  You are not worthy or that it is completely out of reach?

If you are feeling as though there is so much more for you and are not quite sure what that it is – then this may be exactly what you need. Do you crave your whole being to be at peace with who YOU are? To be able to TRUST your knowings, your mind, and your own Truth?  Understanding who you are, and what makes you tick is the first step in redirecting your energy to finding your true purpose.

 I too have been there, and it is definitely a continuing journey of ups and downs. I wanted answers, and solutions. Over my 57 years I have always been in search of more, but essentially, just wanting to know who I am.

“Man know thyself”:  Socrates

For the past 25 years, I have been on a quest of discovery in order to live my true purpose, and help others live theirs too.  Throughout my lifetime, I have studied many kinds of healing, teachings, therapies and nutrition etc.  We are complex beings, no two the same, which is why it is so important that we take an holistic approach to our health and wellbeing. I believe that ancient, simplistic philosophies are the key to uncovering our truth. These combined with new ways to experience and utilise these can make a massive difference to our healings and growth.

One of the main findings, is that our beliefs (generally subconscious) control us. And it is our thinking that drives these beliefs. It is the patterns and beliefs that keep us stuck, when we develop awareness and understanding we are able to see impacts they have had throughout our lives. With tools and life skills, we can illuminate and unblock these, allowing our true self to shine through.

Just as people are drawn to different modalities of healing, there are many ways to uncovering the core of things. If you are ready to discover who YOU are, and find your purpose, get in touch to discuss a personalised treatment plan.

Located in the Hunter Valley, NSW, Inward Health provides services such as Nutrition Coaching, Reiki, Life Coaching / Counselling (Accelerated Pattern Shift Healing / Neuro Linguistic Programming & Kinesiology / Astrology / Kahuna / Lomi Lomi Massage, Australian Bush Flower and Bach Flower Essences.  

These tools assist in developing the life that you choose.  Contact me, Mandi (Amanda Jane) for a session.

Aloha / Namaste / Hugs xoxoxo

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