Want glowing SKIN this summer? Here's how your pantry can help you.

Spring is just about here.  In the Hunter Valley, we’ve had a taste of warmer weather already.  We’ll need to start flashing our flesh to the world and we want it to be healthy, glowing and gorgeous.   

Before you start lathering those fancy perfume and chemical made scrubs and lotions, and not to mention spray tans, think again!   

Our biggest organ in our body is our skin.  It protects us from infection and therefore has a higher acid ph than other parts of our body system.  Our skin also has a system to release toxins via the sweat glands. It is a marvellous thing.   

We need to protect and nourish our skin.  Also what we put on to it is the same as what we ingest via eating and drinking. I’m sure you would not pour a whole lot of chemicals down your mouth, so it is time to rethink what you put on your skin.  I’m going to list a whole of chemicals that are in products that we buy for skin and hair.  It’s time to read and understand that things are and to really look after our whole system.   

These chemicals can affect our hormones, Thyroid, Pituitary gland, our cholesterol. Etc.  and of course these all play out with how our body’s metabolism and digestion function.  So, not only will you be feeling more energised, you are bound to have your body systems function and a far better rate than with these chemicals in your system.  So, give it a try, what have you got to lose? …. Oh, perhaps a couple of kilos! 

Before I list the “nasties”. I’d like to give you the good news.  There are plenty of wonderful natural alternatives.  Just remember, the most important thing when purchasing these oils is that they are first/cold pressed and extra virgin.  That way they are not made with heat which will kill the goodness and eventually too much heat will turn the oil toxic.  It could also develop a small amount of trans-fat, which is not digestible. 

How about you make your own body scrubs with salt or sugar combined with natural soaps or oils and put your favourite essential oil essence in there for fragrance and the healing benefits they have.  I even know people making their own deodorants!   

Better still there are plenty of wonderful people developing their own natural skin care range.  Check out your local health food shop or places/people that are developing their own natural, organic product. I can let you know a wonderful one here in the Hunter Valley.  Contact me for more information.   

Coconut Oil  

Is antibacterial and antifungal, which makes it an excellent body moisturiser.  It also penetrates the skin dermis exceptionally well (and Macadamia nut oil is just that little bit better).  This I would use on my body (and I do massage with fractionated coconut oil) I would not completely recommend it for the face, just that little bit too heavy. Although, it is excellent to remove eye makeup!  And it smells delicious.    

Macadamia Nut Oil  

Native to Australia, the Macadamia tree is traditionally called Kindal Kindal by Australia’s aboriginal people. 

Skin Benefits of Macadamia Nut Oil 

  • Macadamia nut oil is a lightweight oil that is well absorbed without feeling greasy. 
  • It’s high in monounsaturated fatty acids, including Oleic Acid (Omega 9), which are very moisturising, regenerating and softening on the skin. 
  • These fatty acids also have anti-inflammatory properties. 
  • The Linoleic Acid (Omega 6) in Macadamia nut oil helps to restore the skin’s barrier function and reduce water loss. 
  • Macadamia nut oil also contains Palmitoleic Acid (Omega 7), an active anti-microbial that is found naturally in youthful skin. 
  • Palmitoleic Acid (Omega 7) levels in our skin reduce with age, contributing to the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and weathered skin. 
  • Macadamia nut oil has been shown to slow the signs of ageing and has also been used to improve the appearance of scars, sunburn and other minor skin irritations. 

Rosehip Oil 

  • Another oil full of Omega 3, 6 and 9 with plenty of Vitamin E. These give anti-inflammatory, antioxidant (lycopene – which can protect against premature aging) and is especially calming to more sensitive skins.  This oil also has a high vitamin C component and as such, you need not lash out on those expensive “C Serums” just get Hip with Rose!  Rosehip has high levels of Trans Retinoic Acid, which converts to Vitamin A and can aid with the healing process of the skin. 




You've probably heard about all the hidden chemicals and health risks surrounding so many of the beauty and skin care products on the market, but what exactly are they and will you ever be able to put on your lotion or eye cream again in peace — without wondering if you're poisoning your body? 

The answer is yes! 

The key to healthy beauty care is to understand what’s really underneath the lid. While that may seem like a lot of work, you just have to know what to keep your eyes open for. And once you know what to look for, you can add yourself among the rapidly growing group of empowered consumers who are asking questions and being justifiably snobby about their product choices. 

To help you in this mission to makeover your personal stock of cosmetics, we’ve put together a list of 10 ingredients you should avoid in anything you buy. By steering clear of these nasties, you can rest assured that whatever you’re putting on your skin isn’t harming it. 

1. Parabens 

Parabens are unquestionably the most commonly used preservatives in the cosmetics industry. They’re in just about any cream you might use, as they prevent mould, fungus and parasites from sprouting and growing in your products. The problem is that they can be absorbed through the skin, and have often been found in breast cancer tumours! All signs point to skin care products being the cause. 

Because of this, there is a growing concern that excessive use of parabens may give rise to breast cancer in women and testicular cancer in men. Although there haven’t been any conclusive studies proving this, it should be enough to make you concerned. In fact, it’s why there are so many “paraben-free” items popping up in the supermarket and pharmacies around the country. 

Parabens can appear in different forms, so here’s what you want to look out for: 

  • benzylparaben 
  • butyiparaben 
  • propylparaben 
  • methylparaben 
  • ethylparaben 
  • isobutylparaben 

2. phthalates 

This hard to pronounce class of substances is found in just about everything, even you. A study done by the US Centres for Disease Control found a trace of it in every single person they analysed. This is problematic because phthalates – which are used in cosmetics and also in many plastic objects – have been found to act as a hormone disruptor linked to reproductive defects, insulin resistance and developmental problems in children. 

Here’s the tricky part: phthalates usually aren’t listed on the label of your favoured products, so you have to do a bit of sleuthing to determine their presence. Want a hint? They’re often found in anything that misleadingly lists “fragrance” as an ingredient. Stick to products that are scented with essential oils instead. 

3. benzoyl peroxide 

Over the last decade, the popularity of pimple-zapping products has skyrocketed. benzoyl peroxide is responsible for this, but you should be wary about using it. That’s because it’s been linked with the promotion of tumour growth. Horrifying, don’t you think? 

Beyond that, it produces toxic effects in the body simply through inhalation, and is a known skin, eye and respiratory irritant. As if that isn’t bad enough, it’s extremely toxic if you swallow it. Awful! 

4. triclosan 

Technically a pesticide – at least according to the Environmental Protection Agency – triclosan is a popular ingredient in just about any product claiming antibacterial properties. It works very well at killing bacteria, and that’s actually the problem: not all bacteria are bad for you, and furthermore, some experts speculate widespread of this chemical could give rise to “superbugs” – harmful bacteria resistant to antibiotics. 

That’s not all; triclosan has been shown to work as both a hormone and thyroid disruptor. On top of that, it’s terrible for the environment. So put your inner germaphobe at ease and know that water and natural hand soap will more than handle your daily hand-washing needs. 

5. resorcinol 

Why is it that resorcinol – a popular ingredient in bleaches – is restricted in federal government buildings, but is used freely in so many hair colour products? That probably doesn’t sound right to you, and that’s because it isn’t. Not at all! 

Resorcinol is a known skin irritant that has been shown in studies to disrupt healthy thyroid function in animals. It’s also a common cause of dye allergy that so many women find themselves bothered by. You don’t want this in your hair, or anywhere for that matter! 

6. hydroquinone 

As a skin lightener that reduces dark blemishes caused by everything from medical reactions to bruising, hydroquinone sounds too good to be true. You guessed it… that’s because it is. 

Hydroquinone reduces the melanin in your skin to get rid of those unsightly marks, but in doing so, it hurts your skin in many ways. First of all, it’s permanently altering your pigment while also weakening the elastin and collagen in your problem area – the very things that are key to keeping your skin firm and youthful! Some people get unsightly blotches after using hydroquinone, and far more get contact dermatitis or have allergic reactions after regular use. Considering how easily it irritates your skin, it’s a wonder that it’s used at all. Finally, like so many ingredients on this list, there is some suspicion that it’s a carcinogen. The results aren’t worth the harm it causes. 

7. petroleum 

Here’s a sneaky one. Petroleum pops up in so many cosmetics products, it’s ridiculous. And in case you’re wondering, yes, it’s the very same substance from which your motor oil is made. 

It hides behind many names that you should familiarize yourself with. They are: 

  • Petrolatum 
  • Xylene 
  • Toluene 
  • Mineral oil 
  • Liquid paraffin 

As an industry standard, there’s a lot of information out there touting the safety of petroleum by-products, so you might be wondering why you should avoid it. It’s because it contains 1,4-Dioxane, which has been listed by the World Health Organization and the Environmental Protection Agency as a probable carcinogen. Cancer from your moisturizer? No thank you. 

8. methylisothiazolinone 

Just the name alone is intimidating. Thankfully known as MIT for short, methylisothiazolinone is an increasingly common antibacterial preservative in everything from baby shampoo to moisturizer. Unfortunately, studies have shown that it contains neurotoxic properties that should be of great concern to all consumers. 

In studies with rats, a mere 10 minutes of exposure to MIT was enough to cause brain cell damage. Further studies concluded that low concentrations of MIT during neural development increased the risk of seizures and visual abnormalities. Furthermore, the Environmental Working Group has classified it as a skin sensitizer and irritant. 

The argument often made by skin care companies is that MIT is used in very small concentrations, usually in products that are meant to be rinsed off, thus reducing your exposure to the chemical. Considering the seriousness of its side effects, it’s probably best that you limit your exposure to it completely, wouldn’t you agree? 

9. oxybenzone 

Oxybenzone is an active ingredient in quite a few of the sunscreen products on the shelves of your favorite store. Unfortunately, this chemical has been linked to skin irritation and allergies, hormone disruption and low birth weights in baby girls. 

What’s scary is that a study conducted by the U.S. Centres for Disease Control found that oxybenzone is present in the urine of 97% of Americans. How much of it have we been exposed to, and how is it affecting us in ways that we don’t quite understand yet? With figures like these, chances are it’s already in your system, so you want to limit your future exposure to it as much as possible. 

10. Artificial dyes and synthetic colours 

Whether you’re donni1ng a shocking hot pink lipstick, a classic rouge to make those cheekbones pop, or rebellious black nail polish, if your favourite cosmetics are conventional, chances are they are just as dangerous as they are fabulous. 

Many of the products you have are likely made with synthetic colours that are made from coal tar. Though pretty, these harsh artificial colours have been shown in studies to be carcinogenic and are likely to cause skin sensitivity and irritation due to the heavy metals they deposit on your skin when you use them. You don’t want that, so if you have any products that were made with synthetic colours, toss them in the bin don’t buy any more! Thankfully, it’s pretty simple to determine if that colour in your favourite lipstick is real or not: just check the ingredients, and if you see anything listed beginning with FD&C or D&C, you know it isn’t what you really want. 

So the next time one of those perfumed lab-coats at the mall pulls you aside to offer you a sample of Company X’s new Luxuriously Lovely Lip Enhancer, tell her thanks but no thanks, and proceed either online or to your nearest organic grocery for superior alternatives. You’ll be amazed at how much is out there! 




Now, we missed the sign of Cancer... This is really because Cancer represents the Mother and Mothers are always busy and it was a busy time. (well I'm using that as an excuse) and I'm sticking to it.  

CANCER – 4TH HOUSE – ESCOTERIC RULER (SOUL) – NEPTUNE (cloudy)– (Non-violent, won’t cause harm =- Exoteric ( (Personallity) Moon. The Crab – goes sideways, does not like confrontation – feels vibrations (sensitive). Cardinal Water.  – Bossy – they create fear. Think they are No 1. MO: To nurture/smother (red chestnut). They are shallow water and agitated water (a warm bath will help them relax). Healing warmth from the Sun.

Cancer is not so firmly tied up with tradition (does love it) but not as much as his polarity – Capricorn.   Capricorn with its steadier mind and strong will power help the crab. For the Capricorn, in spite of its ingrained adherence to formality and habit will eventually pry loose and with all that is noble and the best of the past, climb forward. With emotional tenacity.

Negative: Moody/crabby/ nippy, pinchy.  They can’t see clearly and can’t see beyond what is.

Positive: Deeply caring, genuine and sincere, empathic and safe, genuine.  Deeply feeling, hyper sensitive, energetically alert. “I feel”, “I care about you. Come and share my home and kitchen” .

Polarises: the watery nature (gullable) emotional weekenss –to emotional resilience.  Emotional passivity and then tenancity. Teaches others to be human. Become deeply feeling but not emotional. Creative artist. Intuitive and tenacious!

4th house is the biological female home,  domestic.  Things can appear cloudy.  They can pick up others energy. Can be caring and sensitive. Strong Cancer will lose a limb over situations.   They are driven by feelings and emotions. Their words = “I would rather feel compassion than know the meaning of it”.

Neptune is where you have distortions. Look at your dreams and follow them.  Are they emotionally stable?

Cancer needs to learn to develop emotional resilience. They have good intelligence, but sluggish for sometimes seeing the obvious. Need and like their sleep (too much)).  Use sleep to retreat from the world (Shrek). 

Negative:   shy, retreating, seeks shelter from life’s storms, negative, moody, vague, gaps in consciousnes, don’t often like the public eye. Private and invisible.  Love their home for food and protection etc. Need psychological safety, fear failure of the outside world. Cowardly, soft underbelly, side steps issues and backs down.

Positive: Motherly courage to defend her children, warm, caring, nurturing, receptive, kind, protective, soft place to fall, confidential, comfort people by cooking.  Willing to expose themselves to public scrutiny. Expresses their emotions with bravery, self respect. Feels deeply.

They must look forward and not live in the past. Stop going sideways and face life front on. Face of courage in the face of fear. WHERE CANCER IS WILL INDICATE YOUR FEAR FACTOR. Cancer must call upon its back door (Capricorn) to face the world alone.  Must cultimate emotional detachment and not get stung.  Look at where you need to detach yet feel?  Must birth self. Where Cancer is where you need to nurture and care for you. Impart emotional wisdom. About caring for others in a healthy empowering way?  Do not avoid your own emotions. Learn how to go with ups and downs.  Where it is what is your most constant and dysfunctional emotion? Cancer dominates mass consciousness , which equalsan empathic response to world suffering (Dali Larma). 

How do we respond to family? How does the global village impact on your personal family? Kind Cancer builds a lighthouse so all may find their way home.  It is affected by the Moons phases. Children/stepchildren etc.  Also emotional / hormonal imbalances.


GEMINI  May 22 – June 21– 3RD HOUSE: Esoteric Ruler (soul)Venus – Exoteric (Personality)   Mercury:  Symbol:   twins and duality. Element: Mutable Air:  Can be airy fairy.  Love affairs/ flirtations - can be persuaded by talk or vice versa.  Sagittarius is the polarity – We must tame the lower mind and become one pointed and focused.  This gives fluidity and instability of the relationship and can lead to revolution and the focusing of the personality.  Man devotes self concentrated to the attainment of personal objectives.

Share, inclusiveness, duel energy. Love/Wisdom. Act as separate or as one. Wise love in action.  Fun, chatty, Pollyanna, effective communication. Teacher/ healer.

Gemini can talk first thoughts. Acceptance of situations and thereby can heal the self where it is. Gets board very quickly.  Verbal and mental – intelligent conversation.  Leo has charming heart energy.  Aries thinks – Gemini gives the air to speak. Taurus speaks through the throat.

3rd house – communication – neighbour – neg would be gossip. Rules local community. And short distance travel. Friendhips.  Gemini can scatter and is impatient.  This is where we need to have fun! Short term pleasure. Gemini could struggle getting old. Duality of man = lower and higher selves at the same time.

 NEGATIVE: Childish, immature, flippant and impatient, questions but does not listen, superficial, flighty, imaginative, deceitful, tricky and cunning. Manipulates through speech, persuasive with verbal distortions. Over-analyses, argumentative, disruptive.

POSITIVE:  clever, witty, amusing, friendly, chatty, youthful, energetic, spontaneous, adaptable, versatile, the nature child, curious, delightful, variety, can talk and listen well, articulate. Healer. Have variety of friends and acquaintances. They are not dull or boring (Taurus can be). Read a lot. Explore ideas, places and people. Inspire others. Others feel safe and non-threatening.

Need intellectual stimulation. Duality, stress, internal conflict affects them. Duality exposes the weakness in human – interferes with relationships. Mature Gemini has ability to unify this.   The energy of Gemini prevents the concretion of ideas and the safe passage of life force. Mutable signs keep the energies fluid, open and receptive. Mind open to new ideas and impressions. Gemini is the seeds of man and her soil is the mind. Sometimes prepared and fertile, sometimes barren and infertile, she must maintain and facilitate communication.

Mental agility or even what is perceived as ADHD.  Gemini is the winged messenger.  Divine Communicator you need to know yourself intimately.   WHERE VENUS AND GEMINI ARE can show where and how the child may mature into the adult. The Gemini mind aligns itself to the dictates of the soul. 


I have been very strongly reminded about how important it is to take time out for reflection, contemplation or just being. If we don’t stop and relax completely for at least a few moments every day, this can be truly detrimental to our well-being and ultimately our physical health (there are lots of physiological explanations I could go into and you know how much better you feel when you are calm and composed). So, come on, let’s take some important medicine … and by that I mean give ourselves at least five (5) minutes… and let’s face it what is 20-30 mins out of day to STOP and do nothing, focus on our breathing, or do some journaling, gentle exercise (yoga or qi gong) or even to meditate. Painting, drawing, even doodling can be therapeutic. Make a choice and schedule it in. Aloha xo





Today is the last day of Taurus… I had wanted to put pen to paper earlier about this … and I had to make a concerted decision about what I wanted to say (very Taurean).   Taurus will weigh things up before coming to a conclusion and then they will go forward without hesitation.. ie like a bull at a gate and no stopping them.



Wherever Taurus is in your chart… or what you have in the Second House of your chart, you will generally be either someone who is stable, or you are seeking stability in that area of your life.  Taurus is known as the “hedonist”.  They like the more tactile things in life, good food, wine … etc well - you know.  They also are they eye of illumination and a really quite spiritual in the positive.  You will often have profound transformations when Taurus is triggering in your chart (and this could be after all the tactile things have finished!J).  Their stubbornness has them seek (steadfastly) the answers.     The Second house in particularly rules your finances and your stability.  So, if Taurus is in your Seventh House, you may be looking for emotional stability or a stable relationship, well at least one where you feel secure.  Taurus often wants to “own” things.  A lesson for you, or where Taurus is in your chart, is to let go of attachments.  Enjoy.. Amanda

Sagittarius - the Arrow


Do you have Sagittarians in your life? Or are you one yourself?  I happen to have a lot of Sagittarians very close to me.  I am truly grateful for them as they have helped me to see what is right in front of me many many times.

Whilst Sag are known for their gregariousness and they generally do have a large circle of friends, they are the arrow – in that they can be extremely direct and to the point!  So they say what they feel they need to say and generally it is because they do care about you and even love you.  As such, it is for your best interest ... from their point of view.  They are a fire sign.  So sometimes this might burn a little and you know, sometimes that is what is needed.  It may reignite your passion to do something because they’ve sparked you out of your day to-day humdrum and/or they’ve pointed you in another direction that you had not been aware of.   Sometimes my Leo side has felt a little delicate after a conversation (it gets to the heart) with them and then I think about what they have said and damn it!  They are often right …. and I realise what they have said is because they want the best for me.

In our Astrological Charts we are made up of all the star signs. It just depends on where they are placed in your chart.  Wherever Sagittarius is in your chart or what is in your Ninth House, is where you need to set goals.  It is also about higher learning and either international travel or dealing with overseas people, to name a few.   In my chart Sagittarius is in my Second House.  This means it is best for me to have some form of study area in my home; set goals about financial security.  It also has something to do with the fact that I have lived overseas for a period of time. 

Where is Sagittarius in your chart?

2016 - Fire Monkey!

2015 almost done. There have been masses of learnings this year. Plenty of mind-shifts and as hard as they have felt, the learnings are much appreciated. 2016 is just about here. In Chinese Astrology is the Year of the Fire Monkey (it starts 8 February). It is suggesting achievement, increased abundance and movement (nice after being stuck). Whatever 2016 brings for all of you, I’m sure it will include peace, love and riches of all kinds and progression of our Selves. Enjoy it all. Big hugs and love, Mandi

Goodbye 2015 - Hello 2016

I trust you all had a lovely Christmas and are getting ready for the New Year.  Definitely time to reflect on all our lessons from this year and contemplate how we can make the changes we want to see for the next.  Remember to not be too hard on yourself as some are prone to do.  It has been a tough year.  It has been a year of sorting out what is not needed anymore.  That includes beliefs, thoughts, emotions, old furniture, clothes and even possibly some relationships.  And let us not forget the wonderful people, experiences and emotions that we have had.  Where we have grown and developed ourselves.  A big pat on the back because we are ok and we have cleared much to enable the way for the new, positive and the inspiring.

Christmas Special Indulgence:

Are you looking for the perfect Christmas gift for the busy people in your life?  Purchase two (2) vouchers for any relaxing/re-energising/enlightening treatment before 24 Dec 2015 and you will save $40.  The value would be $160 and two sessions will be yours for only $120.  These will be 2 x 60 min sessions which for KaHuna are normally $80 and will be down to $60 each.  You could give one as a gift and keep one for yourself.  (or two for you!).   You could even use them before Christmas and choose from any of the 60 min treatments.  Aloha and Merry Christmas, Amanda

Is stress taking over?

 Stress… what does it do to us?  I have come to realise how much stress plays a part in connection to our total wellbeing or lack thereof.  Of course, I realise that this is not news to most people.  I wonder how much we do really, truly, know and understand this fact.  How much we actually let stress affect us without us even knowing. 

 Situations have occurred which have prompted me have a look at my own stress levels.  Actually, to see how much and how often I allowed myself to feel and become stressed.  Now, I am pretty sure I, like many others, we do not show stress too overtly.  As such, we all have learned to internalise our feelings (which of course makes the situation worse).  Also, my life, as well as most people’s is actually really good.  So the point I’m attempting to make is how by allowing ourselves to become stressed, irritated, (however you’d like to describe it) is how we become that way too often and without conscious thought.  It seems to be part of the “norm” these days.

Little things can set us off completely.  And we actually don’t realise that we are holding our breath, clenching our fists, tightening our shoulders.  Our blood does not flow as freely, everything becomes stagnant.  We go into “fight or flight mode”, thereby giving our adrenals a massive overload.  This in turn produces other chemicals in our body that nowadays do not get to be released, as such they are stored in our system and become toxic, which in turn throws our hormones and physical bodies out of whack.  I will not go into technical detail, although I can recommend some reading if you are interested.  If we do not acknowledge these things or learn how to prevent ourselves becoming so anxious and wound up, they can lead to minor and eventually serious dis-ease. 

What I have noticed by listening to my body system is what triggered my reaction.  The thing I really realised (with a little help from some friends) was that different situations triggered me.  AND the most important thing was that, my reaction to situations was paramount in my heart rate kicking up.  Or my teeth being clenched; or the need to yell and scream was all my choice.  Also, these new found (if not frustrating at the time) situations gave me the opportunity to look at what was really behind my frustration/anger/resentment etc.  They were actually setting off something that had been set up long before and were reinforcing a pattern that I had set up on how to react to those specific situations.  When I broke down these things I realised that mentality what I had going on was actually not really necessary or particularly useful. 

How can we stop this epidemic? 

Let us start with the first thing.  At those times, we are having a physical reaction (even if we don’t fully acknowledge it).  So, do something physical.  There are various breathing techniques, focusing techniques, you could even meditate, sing, dance, write things down.  Hey, you could even laugh at the situation.   

I have learned that we interpret how we think about things and what is really behind that thinking that leads us to become stressed.  So eventually if you are ready and up for it, you could have a look at what is going on behind the scenes of your stress.  Is it really what you think it is?