
GEMINI  May 22 – June 21– 3RD HOUSE: Esoteric Ruler (soul)Venus – Exoteric (Personality)   Mercury:  Symbol:   twins and duality. Element: Mutable Air:  Can be airy fairy.  Love affairs/ flirtations - can be persuaded by talk or vice versa.  Sagittarius is the polarity – We must tame the lower mind and become one pointed and focused.  This gives fluidity and instability of the relationship and can lead to revolution and the focusing of the personality.  Man devotes self concentrated to the attainment of personal objectives.

Share, inclusiveness, duel energy. Love/Wisdom. Act as separate or as one. Wise love in action.  Fun, chatty, Pollyanna, effective communication. Teacher/ healer.

Gemini can talk first thoughts. Acceptance of situations and thereby can heal the self where it is. Gets board very quickly.  Verbal and mental – intelligent conversation.  Leo has charming heart energy.  Aries thinks – Gemini gives the air to speak. Taurus speaks through the throat.

3rd house – communication – neighbour – neg would be gossip. Rules local community. And short distance travel. Friendhips.  Gemini can scatter and is impatient.  This is where we need to have fun! Short term pleasure. Gemini could struggle getting old. Duality of man = lower and higher selves at the same time.

 NEGATIVE: Childish, immature, flippant and impatient, questions but does not listen, superficial, flighty, imaginative, deceitful, tricky and cunning. Manipulates through speech, persuasive with verbal distortions. Over-analyses, argumentative, disruptive.

POSITIVE:  clever, witty, amusing, friendly, chatty, youthful, energetic, spontaneous, adaptable, versatile, the nature child, curious, delightful, variety, can talk and listen well, articulate. Healer. Have variety of friends and acquaintances. They are not dull or boring (Taurus can be). Read a lot. Explore ideas, places and people. Inspire others. Others feel safe and non-threatening.

Need intellectual stimulation. Duality, stress, internal conflict affects them. Duality exposes the weakness in human – interferes with relationships. Mature Gemini has ability to unify this.   The energy of Gemini prevents the concretion of ideas and the safe passage of life force. Mutable signs keep the energies fluid, open and receptive. Mind open to new ideas and impressions. Gemini is the seeds of man and her soil is the mind. Sometimes prepared and fertile, sometimes barren and infertile, she must maintain and facilitate communication.

Mental agility or even what is perceived as ADHD.  Gemini is the winged messenger.  Divine Communicator you need to know yourself intimately.   WHERE VENUS AND GEMINI ARE can show where and how the child may mature into the adult. The Gemini mind aligns itself to the dictates of the soul.